
February 17, 2020
Together with our network partner Akademie Würth we are offering a qualification program "Management systems" which is a practical qualification in order to reach an uniform knowledge and understanding of quality-, environmental- and energy management and to convey the participants the required knowledge and tools they need.
Quality results from the inner attitude of people and has to be lived and improved constantly - technical resources are not sufficient on their own. With special qualification programs employees are able to learn skills which are up-to-date. Kolja Berg and Carlo Schürg are leading this quality program as trainers. The program is available in our download area on our website.
Registrations are possible on this website: https://www.wuerth.de/web/de/awkg/services_link/seminare_events/anmeldeformular_seminar_allgemein.php

February 6, 2020
Our PL strategy days have become a fine tradition. We are not only reflecting and analyzing the last man-year, but we are also taking time to develop our range of performance blocks for our customers and offering demand-oriented solutions. In addition to that, we are strengthening our team and limbering up ourselves for the new year. We are ready for 2020!

January 31, 2020
We are pleased to introduce our new network partner: The KMPC Innovations GmbH supports customers in their digitization projects and the systematic development of innovative services and products based on current technologies. Having national and international experience in digital projects in different departments and trades and also being close to research and development KMPC Innovations GmbH is able to offer a valuable knowledge transfer and to accompany customers on their way from analysis, problem solving up to the implementation. With LEANFOCUS KMPC Innovations presents a production management system which supports customers with a plug and play solution and helps with a specific improvement of their productive capacity – independent of type and age of the equipment. The analysis of quantitative and quality production dates enables real time monitoring, higher operating grades, detection of bottlenecks and the improvement of production processes.

December 31, 2019

December 19, 2019
The year 2019 was a very special year full of challenges and special moments. On the verge of the new year we want to thank all our costumers, partners and employees for the partnerlike collaboration and the shown confidence.
We are looking back on 20 years of PL, the move of our office, a successfull company anniversary an we are looking forward to the future. We wish all of you a merry christmas and time to cherish some calm days.

July 9, 2019
And Action!
The premiere of our new corporate movie took place on our ceremonial act on june 27th in 2019. Thanks to Laufbild Werkstatt we could show with moving pictures what our slogan means for us "process design with passion - every day."
You can watch our movie here.

November 11, 2019
REMINDER: 21st Q-Forum
This thursday, november 14th 2019, the 21st Heilbronner quality forum takes place at the University of Applied Sciences in Heilbronn at 3:30 p.m. This year our guiding theme is the digitization in quality management and digital transfer of knowledge. Next to interesting presentations there will be a possibility to discuss questions and themes in a panel discussion.

August 21, 2019
Lean in the range of integrated management systems
Lean as a project doesn't work actually: change management and transculturation are the bullet points. But what happens when an organisation doesn't want to change or is apparently happy with its culture? Then it can be helpful to integrate lean in the existing management and organisation structure and to pass off the lean culture into the company because the ISO-norm demand qualit audits, standards, processes and trainings - attributes which are familiar to lean. This is lean itself. At the #latc2019 event Thomas Mück, our network partner and leader of the academy Würth, explained where he sees chances and risks. The recording of the speech can be found here: https://leanbase.de/publishing/latc-reviews/lean-im-rahmen-integrierter

August 6, 2019
10 years hand in hand in training and consulting
To our 10 years partnership the Academy Würth handed a certificate on to us and thanked us for the long-term, trusting and cooperative work and our continuous commitment.
We are very pleased about this commendation which was spoken out by Norbert Heckmann, management speaker of Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG, and Thomas Wagner, head of Academy Würth. We are looking forward to our collaboration. Together we offer trainings and coachings at the Academy and inhouse with our customers.
The current seminar program is here: www.wuerth.de/akademie

July 16, 2019
We are pleased that the business magazine of the chamber of industry and commerce Heilbronn-Franken reports about us and our 20th anniversary in the current edition and online. You can find the article here: https://www.wnews.de/de-DE/Firmen-Leute/20-Jahre-PL

July 2, 2019
Thank You!
To all our customers, partners, networkers and of course our team for the past 20 years. On june, 27th in 2019 we celebrated our ceremony with over 100 guests and took the opportunity to take a journey into our past. Dr. Walter Döring, former Minister for Economic Affairs in Baden-Württemberg, Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Unkelbach, president of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Heilbronn-Franken, and Jann Hendrik Swyter, management and global market leader of Veigel GmbH & Co. KG, discussed with us and our guest the present and the current economical situation. With our surprise act, the magician David Pricking, and our future fairy Christiane Maschajechi we could take a look into the future and experienced some magic.
The evening spun away and at the end common memories were made and maybe the statement of the evening stays in the heads: "Just do it - it could be great!"

February 13, 2019
Thanks to our congratulators!
PL turns 20 years. We are pleased about our congratulators, customers, partners and networkers. For the next 20 years to come!
This is our congratulation video: 20 years PL congratulation video

May 27, 2019
Eye-catcher in our new office rooms
Last friday we celebrated a little housewarming in our new office. As a surprise we revealed an image of our customer Thomas Häfner, factory manager of Willi Elbe Group in Norway, who has also been an artist for over 20 years. He created an individual single piece for us. We are very pleased to have an special touch of colour in our meeting room!

May 14, 2019
Award for optimized quality management
We are pleased about the reporting of our customer Würth Modyf GmbH & Co. KG and our support in the implementation of integrated management systems and the successfull certification in the Allgemeine Bauzeitung online. The complete paper: https://allgemeinebauzeitung.de/abz/auszeichung-fuer-optimiertes-qualitaetsmanagement-31719.html

May 07, 2019
Integrated management systems with external partners?
Our longtime coach and project leader Carlo Schürg reports at 6 o'clock pm at the Academy Würth on the most important aspects in the collaboration of external suppliers with the organization und support of integrated management systems, especially in small firms and traders. With showing practical examples and case studies he will explain requirements of single rules and standards to management agents and illustrate advantages and disadvantages. Further information and registration by may 15, 2019: www.dgq.de/corporate/verein/vor-ort/regionalkreise/heilbronn/.

April 10, 2019
Successfull certification ot the Willi Elbe Group in Mexico
Last week the abroad station of the Willi Elbe Group in Valle de Santiago in Mexico was successfully certified. Willi Elbe was certified for IATF 16949:2016 and ISO 14001:2015. PL supported its customer with the rollout of the existing management system, executed the quality system audits and attended the certification in Mexico. Congratulations to the certificates!

April 1, 2019
After nearly 20 years we moved from our office in Heilbronn to our new office in Flein. We are looking forward to our new bigger working spaces, fresh ideas at our green meeting point and of course to visits of our customers. Our head office still stays in Untergruppenbach.

March 27, 2019
The biggest German lean event with over 600 participants was very successfull: two days with technical papers, different theme boxes and much networking for us and our networking partner, Academy Würth. It was anything but standard - next year we are also participating in "LeanAroundTheClock"! So mark the date: 19th and 20th march, 2020. We will be there!

March 5, 2019
New quality program "management systems"
Quality starts in the head and in the heart. The personal attitude decides on the process and the product quality, not only the technical resources. Quality is a value by itself and it has to be improved constantly.
Therefore we have developed an adequate quality program "management systems" with our partner, Academy Würth. This is the place where skills can be trained in order to cope with challenges concerning processes in companies. Kolja Berg and Carlo Schürg lead the trainings in this quality program. For further informations: https://pl-hn.de/en/company/downloads.html

February 4, 2019
Some of our longterm customers and some newer customers were part of our shooting for our PL corporate video which we will show in the next few weeks due to our 20th jubilee.
Willi Elbe Group has already reported about the shooting in their employee newspaper and we are very proud of such great customers and their support for us. Thank you!

January 23, 2019
Create your Masterpiece!
Congratulations to Würth MODYF GmbH & Co. KG for receiving successfully the certificate of ISO 9001:2015!
Würth MODYF is a company which wants to offer its customers the very best work clothes: masterpieces! Not only referring to their products, but also to their internal structures, PL collected business processes, structured them and put them in an interactive management system. The implementation was confirmed with a successfull certificate (ISO 9001) of TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH. In this context the Würth MODYF team wants to thank for the good collaboration and the commitment.
Together we will develop the new introduced quality management system forcefully under the motto "Create your Masterpiece" (www.modyf.de)

January 16, 2019
Let's start the new year!
At the very beginning of 2019 we had two PL-strategy days in order to review the last year and to define goals and new strategies for this year to come. In our 20th jubilee year we want to focus on the best for our customers and for us.
For the second time our conference took place at the Schindlerhof in Nürnberg - again a great experience. Especially the sushi-line was extraordinary, could be a nice idea for our office, too.

We celebrate our anniversary!
Since 1999 we love to design and implement structures and processes in a wide variety of industries and companies. We work for and with our customers with conviction and passion. Transparent project management from the very beginning - for now and the next 20 years!

December 31, 2018
Happy New Year!
The countdown is on. PL wishes all customers and partners a happy New Year. May it be healthy and successfull.

December 19, 2018
PL holiday greetings
A successfull year draws to the close. We want to say thank you to all our customers and partners for the good and trustful collaboration. We wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.
For us, it will be a special year - PL is turning 20 years! 20 years process design with passion - this is what we stand for now and in the future.

October 25, 2018
20th Quality Forum of Heilbronn in November 2018
After a wide interval the 20th Quality Forum of Heilbronn will take place on Thursday, November 22nd, 2018 at the Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences.
Again as a co-organizer in this year we look forward to captivating speeches under the main topic “Knowledge Management” and to an active exchange of experiences at our booth in the foyer.

July 29, 2018
Successfull project realization at Normfest
Congratulations to our customer Normfest who has successfully passed the certification process and received the certificate of the new IS0 9001:2015.
Within the framework of this project PL engineering was assigned with the required norm revision. In the course of this project an interactive process flow chart was established and implemented. All processes in the company were collected and a new quality management system based on the requirement of ISO 9001:2015 was set up. In this context PL undertook an internal quality system audit and attended successfully the following certification audit.
The next steps will be the integration of ISO 27001 in the process flow chart (information security management) as well as the introduction of ISO 14001 (environmental management) to an integrated management system.

July 19, 2018
May we introduce ourselves? The new PL website is online!
We are glad to welcome you at this point with our new website. It features a new look with new information and new content. Our new website reflects who we are and what we do: Engineers from passion. We wish you lots of fun exploring and we are looking forward to welcome you on our site more often.