
Within PL we attach great value on continuous improvement and qualification of our team member.
In addition to self-evident basic skills along our performance blocks such as core tool professional VDA, various auditor training courses, project management, software applications and lean6Sigma methods, this includes also soft skill qualifications and dealing with people in project scenarios. Sustainable results can only be achieved if our team is able to pass on its own skills to the employees of our customers during the projects.

Kolja Berg Dipl.-Ing.(FH)
Managing Director
Organization and implementation of process management systems, Lean6Sigma and design of business processes
Trainings, coachings and implementations of qualification processes
“Inspire with solutions, not with tools.”

Reinhard Pferdmenges Prof. Dr.-Ing.
General Manager
Factory and logistics planning
Training and coaching in business organization and project management
“Where there is a will, there is a way.”

Martin Kurz Master of Engineering
Project Leader
Factory and logistics planning
Organization and implementation of quality and environmental management systems
“The secret of success is the stability of goals.”

Carlo Schürg Dipl.-Ing.(FH)
Project Leader
Design and implementation of internal audit programs and supply chains
Advancement and implementation of integrated management systems
“We fix impossible things at once, wonders take a little bit longer.”

Marcel Ludes Master of Engineering
Project Leader
Design, selection and implementation of specific customer’s software solutions, according to business processes
Advancement of quality methods and implementation of integrated management systems
“To see the problem is much more important than to see the solution because the exact demonstration of the problem leads to the solution.”

Josef Johan Bachelor of Engineering
Project Leader
Implementation and supervision of quality management systems, audit processes and support of quality methods
Design of integrated reclamation management systems and design of work flows
“If you stop getting better, you have already stopped being good.”

Olympia Berg Magistra Artium
Project management, marketing and events, sales support and customer’s support
“A good question is the best impulse for more creativity.

Walburga Pferdmenges, Bachelor of Business Administration
Human resources/purchasing
“The journey is the reward.”